As part of the Promo Plan for Mikey's ever EP The Hard House Trickster on Fidget Black we caught up with Mikey for a litter natter.
1. Hi Mikey, first of all, congratulations on your first EP. How does that feel? You must be excited?
Just a bit, I’ve been wanting to do an EP for a while and these 3 tracks seemed to gel together quite nicely while also being a bit different so here it is
2. Tell us a bit about you and your love for all things Hard House?
Not much to tell about me, pretty boring, but I do love music (who doesn’t). My musical tastes go beyond hard house, but I think hard house is where my heart is. Clubbing in the mid to late 90’s cemented that. Making music came to me late, but I wouldn’t call myself a producer. I enjoy making music, it helps me switch off from the day job and relax all while having fun… That’s what it’s all about, right. Having fun?
3. Tell us if you could have a super power what would it be?
Hmmmm, tricky one. I not going say the usual ones like invisibility or being able to fly, they’re a bit of a cop out, so I think I’ll just settle with being able to make a Greggs Cornish pasty appear when required. That’s a super power right?
4. If you could have a beer with anyone past or present who would it be and why?
Quite simply my close friends, no one else. Guaranteed of a good night just there.
5. Finally, what can Mikey fans look forward to from you in the near future?
I’ve got a few ideas lined up so definitely something. Not going to say what cause that’ll spoil the surprise but there may be some pianos.
6. Anything else you want to say? Any Shouts?
Obviously #teamFidget, you guys are great to work with. Alan at Klub Kix radio who has been a supporter for a while, Dave at Cheeky Tracks, Sean at Flaunt, Ben at Fireball, Ian at Carboned and Michael at Movin’ House for signing my tracks and anyone who plays my stuff too. Father Christmas for bringing me stuff when I was a kid. The Easter bunny for obvious reasons and finally Pedro the invisible gardener that looks after the Fidget rhubarb patch for reasons that will remain a secret.
Mikey - The Hard House Trickster EP can be bought exclusively from Beatport following this link: